🚀 Gilly Barr
I'm Gilly. I've been programming since I was 11 years old, back before anyone knew it would be cool one day. I taught myself to build desktop apps with Visual Basic, discovered the web with php and worked throughout high-school building many eCommerce sites.
Since then, I've worked at quite a few companies and used many different technologies.
I love moving fast (while trying not to break stuff), mentoring junior developers, and experimenting with new technologies.
I'm also a husband and dad to two amazing kids.
A true maker at heart.
Working on core features of Cortex XDR, one of Palo Alto's fastest growing products. Owner of the XQL editor tool inside the app - XQL is a proprietary language for querying user data. I worked on adding many new features to the language, defining the grammar and implementing live error checking and coding suggestions while typing.
Worked with Angular & React. Used the ANTLR library for defining the XQL grammar and creating listeners for error checking and suggestions.
On the team that maintained the Trends tool and also built Pinpoint - a tool for investigative journalists to work with large amounts of documents.
Worked mainly with Java and Typescript, along with many internal proprietary frameworks and tools.
First employee of the company - Built the initial system from scratch along with one other developer (and slowly grew). After ~a year became the Front End team leader - hired and managed 7 employees that directly reported to me.
Worked extensively on the kibana source code, making many modifications for our use.
Worked extensively with AngularJS & React. Used a little java & nodejs. Became very familiar with ElasticSearch & kafka.
Full stack developer on the ShopYourWay.com website - Implemented many new features end to end. After ~a year transitioned to the infrastructure team where I worked on core features like implementing a new in-house queue management system and being responsible for the frontend performance. Gave talks within the company and implemented a performance-first approach.
Wrote a lot of code with C# and Java.
Used various storage systems - ElasticSearch, redis, MySQL, Gigaspaces
Worked on the customer facing website which users can view their credit card transactions and a personal financial management tool. I was the sole owner of the internal tool that the sales team used to register and manage new user's credit cards.
Worked mostly with C# on the backend, and used asp.net along with jquery on the frontend.
Built and maintained internal applications/tools.
Worked with C#, asp.net, memcached, Oracle DB
Side Projects
Get a custom email digest of your favorite youtube videos. I created this for my own benefit at first (after I couldn't find an existing solution) and use this till today.
Built with NextJS and hosted on Vercel
Another tool I started to scratch my own itch.. I wanted a really simple stocks site that will show me only the data I'm interested in, get an email digest of the stocks I want and define simple alerts.
Built with NextJS (on Vercel) - might not be fully functional due to the stocks api bill that I stopped paying.
Just a silly project to show you how much time humanity wasted on YouTube videos and what productive stuff we couldve done instead.
A collaboration with @flying_eggplant
A dating app for trees. Who doesnt need this, right?
A joke we created for "Tu B'Shevat" - a jewish holiday to celebrate the new year of the trees.
A collaboration with @flying_eggplant